Device Requires Further Installation Error. In this article, you will learn how to fix device requires further installation error. It is shown in the device manager logs of several devices. It does not affect the functionality of a device. If you have noticed this error in the Event log, then try the methods discussed below to resolve the issue.
Cause Of Device Requires Further Installation Error Message:
The following reasons can cause the error device PCI requires further installation in Windows 10 and 11:
1.You may experience a false positive. It means that you do not see the recent event log. You are taking it as the old event message.
2.There can be faulty drivers that can be corrupt and show misinformation in the event log.
3.Windows can be outdated or if updated then some updates can be pending.
4.There can be a fault in the Intel PROSet wireless driver.
How To Fix Device Requires Further Installation Error:
Method 1 – Check The Correct Event:
You can mistake an old event update message to be a recent message. Many users can get confused about this. To check for the correct event log through the event timestamp, follow the steps given below:
1.Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run utility.
2.Type devmgmt.msc
3.Press Enter to open the Device Manager.
4.Right-click on the driver that is triggering this error .
5.Select the Properties option.
6.Select the Events tab in the Properties dialogue.
7.Check the Timestamp of all the events.
8.Find the event with the latest date and time.
9.Always check the time stamp, rather than looking at the top first.
10.Close the device manager after doing that.
If you find a Device installed message in the timestamp which is more recent than the device PCI requires further installation message, then the device is already updated.
Method 2 – Troubleshoot The Affected Driver:
You have to troubleshoot the drivers if the error message is from the most recent timestamp. First try to update the driver, if that doesn’t work then try to reinstall it.
1.Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run utility.
2.Type devmgmt.msc
3.Press Enter to open the Device Manager.
4.Right-click on the driver that is triggering this error.
5.Select the Update driver option from the right-click context menu.
6.Click on the Search automatically for drivers option.
7.Follow the instructions on your screen to finish the process.
8.After the update is complete, restart the computer.
If the error is still there, then try to reinstall the graphics driver. To do so:
1.Open the Device Manager again.
2.Right-click on the driver.
3.Select the Uninstall device option.
4.Follow the instructions on your screen to finish uninstalling.
5.Restart your PC.
6.Visit the official website and download the latest version of the driver.
7.Install the driver.
Method 3 – Update The Windows:
An outdated windows can cause this error too. Sometimes the update is not complete or more updates are pending. To update Windows:
1.Type Check for updates in the Start menu.
2.Select the top result.
3.Click on the Check for updates option.
4.Wait for Windows 10 or 11 to finish checking.
5.If any update is available, Windows should start downloading it automatically.
6.After the download is complete, install it.
7.Restart your PC.
Method 4- Install The Intel PROSet Wireless Driver:
If you have tried all the methods given above and none of them worked out, then try this solution. This issue mostly happens if there is the incorrect installation of the PROSet Wireless driver. Reinstalling the driver manually can fix the issue. To do so:
1.Visit this website ( and download the Intel Driver and support assistant.
2.Install the app on your PC.
3.Run it.
4.Follow the instructions to install all the required drivers.