How To Fix Avast Blocking VPN

By Ammarrauf01

Avast Blocking VPN. Here, you will read about why Avast blocks VPN and how to fix Avast blocking VPN issue. Avast is one of the most popular antiviruses in the world. It not only provides regular security updates but also keeps your system secure from malicious entities.

Why Avast Blocks VPN?

Sometimes, Avast becomes very overprotective. In its race of protecting the system, it interferes with the working of applications. However, in original these applications are not a threat to your Pc.

The most affected application or software that is affected by this issue of Avast are VPNs. Many users have complained that Avast is blocking the VPN connection. And they want a solution to this problem.

how to fix Avast Blocking VPN

How To Fix Avast Blocking VPN?

Method 1 – Disable SSL Port (443) Monitoring:

You can disable the SSL port (443) monitoring to solve the issue. Most VPNs use this service to connect to the internet. Avast and many other antiviruses have the ability of web access protection and may block this port to save your Pc from threats. Disable the port and check if the VPN connects freely to the internet.

Method 2 – Add The VPN As Exception In Avast

Another best way to solve this issue and make your Avast and VPN work together, just simply, add the VPN as an exception in the Avast Firewall. To do so, follow the below-given steps:

1.Open Avast security.
2.Click on the Protection option.
3.Select the Firewall option.
4.Click on the Application rules option.
5.Select the New group option located at the bottom of the window.
6.Use the VPNs name, that Avast is blocking, in naming the new group.
7.Now, add the executable of the antivirus.
8.Set the orange scale to a maximum of 5 bars.
9.Do it for both the executable and group.
10.Confirm and save the changes.
11.Restart the VPN.

Method 3 – Disable Firewall In Avast:

To solve the Avast blocking VPN issue, disable the Avast firewall. Only use the Avast antimalware protection. Windows also has an inbuilt firewall, which can be used to protect the system.

Method 4 – Use Another Antivirus:

If none of the above-given methods is helpful, try to use any other antivirus. There are many antiviruse available online that work without any issue with the VPNs. There are many antiviruse

that are compatible with VPNs.

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