No Video With Supported Format And MIME Type Found

By Ammarrauf01

No Video With Supported Format And MIME Type Found. In this article, we will talk about how to solve no video with supported format and MIME type found issue.

Here, we will discuss reasons for showing errors while playing a video, how to solve no video with supported format and MIME type found issue, and supported formats of video and audio in Firefox.

You are unable to play a video on your webpage and you also encounter errors on various trials. Many Firefox users get a ‘Cross’ sign in the middle of the screen with the message ‘no video with supported format and MIME type found’. Here, we will discuss this issue in detail. First, we will get into the reasons why ‘no video with supported format’ messages come on the webpage.

Reasons For Showing Errors While Playing A Video File:

There can be many reasons that you are facing this issue. This problem may occur due to the change in values of the media player anonymously. You have installed the Adobe Flash player. However, it is not required as Firefox can play many media files on its own.

How To Solve No Video With Supported Format And MIME Type Found Issue?

Just refreshing the page and reopening it in another tab can solve the issue. Restart the Firefox and play the video again. You can play a few types of videos without a plugin.

If this doesn’t help, then remove cookies and clear caches of the browser. Restart the browser and play the videos. Now it will play smoothly without showing any errors. To know How To Remove Cookies And Clear Caches From The Browser, read the article.

No Video With Supported Format And MIME Type Found - pic1

Supported Formats Of Video And Audio Contents In Firefox:

Be aware of supported video and audio content formats.

Some of the supporting compression formats that enable the files to run on the webpage are:

-Vorbis audio
-Theora video
-VP8 video
-Opus audio

These formats support the following types of audio/video files-


Firefox browser also supports .flac file type (Free Lossless Audio Codec). All the above-mentioned file types have no restrictions to watch videos on the webpage. Some media files that don’t require any fee and have enlisted in the built-in OS library of Firefox include .mp3, .aac, H.264/mpeg-4, .m4p, .m4a, .m4b, .m4v and .m4r file type.