How To Enable Or Disable 3D Display Mode In Windows

By Ammarrauf01

How To Enable Or Disable 3D Display Mode In Windows. In this article, you will read how to enable 3D display mode in Windows and how to disable 3D display mode in Windows.

What Is 3D Display Mode?

The 3D display is a high-quality picture display that shows depth perception through stereoscopic displays. It is a volumetric display which may generate content that can be viewed from all angles. This display offers extremely in-depth 3D effects. Volumetric, holography, stereoscopic and multi-view displays are the latest technologies in the 3D display.

You can use 3D display mode in Windows 10, if you are using the latest version of OS. You can enable or disable the display mode to activate the 3D effect in your videos.

How To Enable Or Disable 3D Display Mode In Windows?

How To Perform Stereoscopic 3D?

Windows 10 has API and DDD features for stereoscopic 3D, which allows you to easily access 3D videos and gaming. But, you can only use 3D display mode if your system has essential components for enabling stereoscopic 3D. The important components are 3D-capable graphics hardware, display hardware, software applications, and other peripherals. If you meet all the requirements to run the 3D display drivers, only then you can enable 3D display mode.

How To Configure Settings For The 3D Display Mode?

It is very easy to enable the 3D display mode in Windows 10. Follow the steps below:

1.Go to the control bar.
2.Click at the triangle place next to the symbol 3D mode.
3.After enabling the 3D mode, the 3D display status at the display box of 3D settings will get ON.
4.In the content type, select any of the following options given below:
3D: plays the video in 3D mode
2D: plays the video in 2D mode
Auto: automatically finds 3D playback capacities of the disc
5.Turn on the option ‘2D to 3D conversion’ checkbox to change the 2D titles to the 3D display mode.
6.At the ‘3D depth’ adjustment, move the slider left or right to increase or decrease the 3D effect in-depth.
7.Click on the ‘display monitor’ to select the suitable display option and configuration at the ‘display type’.
8.At the ‘Define Display’, select the perfect display option & configuration.
HDMI 1.4: It makes use of frame-packing technology for playing movies.
Anaglyph: It helps in playing your movies in the Anaglyph format.
Full HD- 3D TV: It plays your desired movies in the checkerboard format.
NVIDIA 3D Vision: It enters into the exclusive mode & plays your movie in the format of frame sequential.
Full HD – 3D TV Interleaved: It plays the movie in the row interleaved format.
The options mentioned above are based on the hardware arrangements.
9.Turn on the ‘set display panel size manually’ by clicking the checkbox.
10.Then move on the slider to fix the size of the display hardware or monitor.
11.Click ‘OK’ to save settings.

How To Disable Your 3D Hardware Acceleration?

To disable 3D display mode in Windows 10:

1.Right click the desktop & choose the graphics properties.
2.Choose the basic mode.
3.Press OK button.
4.View the 3D option.
5.You can easily disable the 3D display mode from the screen.

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