How To Fix 0xc004c003 Error Code In Windows 10. In this article, you will read the reasons for 0xc004c003 error code in Windows 10 and how to fix the Windows Can’t Activate Try Again Later error message. Many users have experienced Windows activation error code. The 0xc004c003 error usually occurs after upgrading Windows to the latest version or by doing a fresh install,why a problem occur when Windows tried to activate
How To Fix 0xc004c003 Error Code In Windows 10?
If you get this error during installation, Windows 10 error code 0xc004c003 might be related to the activation process. There can be multiple reasons for Windows activation error code 0xc004c003. Here, I will explain how to solve Windows Can’t Activate Try Again Later 0xc004c003 error code.
Reason For 0xc004c003 Error Code In Windows 10:
The reason why a problem occurred when Windows tried to activate can be:
The product key is not valid and shows the key blocked. So, install a genuine copy of Windows.
-There can be an issue with the hardware and may show the error stating ‘unable to activate Windows after hardware change’. You have to contact Microsoft for assistance.
-Activation servers are busy. Wait for some time to activate it again.
-Windows upgrade is inappropriate and shows ‘We can’t reactivate windows on this device. Try again later’. Do an in-place upgrade of the operating system.
If still the problem hasn’t been solved, do a clean installation of Windows 10. Install a fresh ISO file and activate your operating system again.
Perform Troubleshoot:
Any glitch in the network can cause the 0xc004c003 error. Windows connect the servers to correct the license and activate it online. To solve the issue:
1.Click on the Notification icon at the right bottom corner of the taskbar.
2.Go to All Settings.
3.Select ‘Update & Security’ on Windows Settings.
4.Click on Troubleshoot.
5.Choose Windows Update.
6.Select Run the Troubleshooter.
7.It will take a moment to recognize the issue and proceed. Be patient.
8.When done, restart the system.
9.It is recommended to enter the activation key again.
10.Now, you will get an activated Windows 10 operating system.
If still the problem is not solved, it might be a BIOS-related problem which is a hardware issue. So, you have to hire a technician to update your BIOS.