How To Fix Fallout 4 Resolution Bug

By Ammarrauf01

How To Fix Fallout 4 Resolution Bug On Windows 10. In this article, you will read the method to fix the Fallout 4 resolution bug and how to Fallout 4 resolution. Fallout 4 is the most popular game in the Fallout franchise. But, it also has been known to have many errors and bugs. The Fallout 4 resolution is one of the main bugs and still remains unfixed.

How To Fix Fallout 4 Resolution Bug?

You cannot change the resolution of Fallout 4 from the game settings. It automatically detects the optimal resolution of the monitor and changes the game’s resolution accordingly. The resolution set by the Fallout 4 can be too short or too large. The only way to fix the Fallout 4 resolution bug is to change the resolution of Fallout 4. But, how? Below, I have mentioned the methods to get Fallout 4 resolution fixed on Windows 10.

How To Change Fallout 4 Resolution?

The Fallout 4 resolution bug can be fixed by setting a custom resolution. There is not any in-game setting for this purpose. You can change the Fallout 4 resolution using a launcher or by editing the Fallout4Prefs.ini file.

How To Change Fallout 4 Resolution Using Launcher?

The Fallout 4 launcher has to be started first to start the Fallout 4. to change the resolution;

1.Open the Fallout 4 launcher.
2.Open the Fallout 4 Options menu.
3.Here, you can change the Aspect Ratio, resolution, and other graphics-related settings.
4.You will see options to either switch to Windowed Mode or Borderless from this dialogue.
5.Click on the drop-down menu beside these options to modify the resolution.
6.Then select the appropriate settings.
7.Now, click on OK to save the changes.
8.Restart the Fallout 4 launcher.
9.Start the game from the launcher.
10.Check whether the game is working with the correct resolution and aspect ratio.

How To Change Fallout 4 Resolution By Editing Preferences File?

If you do not find your monitor’s correct aspect ratio and resolution in the Fallout 4 Options, then you will have to edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file. You will have to manually input the resolution in the preferences file. To do so:

1.First, close Fallout 4.
2.Navigate to the Fallout 4 preferences folder which is generally located in the following location:
My Computer\Documents\My Games\Fallout4

How To Fix Fallout 4 Resolution Bug - pic1

3.After you have opened the preferences folder, locate the Fallout4Prefs.ini file.
4.Once you have located it, double-click on it.
5.The file should open in the Notepad.
6.You will find codes written in the file.

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7.Find the following lines in the code and change it as mentioned below (without the quotation) to open the game in full screen:
bFull Screen=” to “bFull Screen=1
8.To change the resolution, change the following lines:
iSize H=” to “iSize H= 720”, 720 is the height of the screen. Replace it with the height of your monitor.
iSize W=” to “iSize W=1360”, 1360 is the width of the screen. Replace it with the width of your monitor.
9.Click on the File tab.
10.Select the Save option.
11.Close the Notepad and start the Fallout 4 game.
12.You will find the Fallout 4 resolution fixed on your PC.