Fix Failed To Load Library D3DX9-Dll Files

By Ammarrauf01

Fix Failed To Load Library D3DX9-Dll Files. In this article, you will read how to fix failed to load library D3DX9-Dll files. DLL file error messages are very annoying. A single problem can cause this issue which is directly linked to Microsoft DirectX; Windows-based gaming programs as well as advanced graphics programs. If d3dx9 dll is missing or corrupted in the collection, then it can cause such errors. You will receive an error message while running the program ‘failed-to-load-library-d3dx9-dll’.

How to Fix Failed To Load Library D3DX9-Dll File?

These errors will not enable you to begin the game. To fix D3DX9.DLL failed to load in Windows 10, the first thing you have to do is to restart the PC and then restart the game again. Sometimes, this hack will fix the issue.

If not, then there is a need for d3dx9 dll download and without updating it to the latest version. Otherwise, it won’t work. Download it from here You can download and install the same DirectX installation program with its latest version online. It will replace the older version of the files.

Some Quick Fixes:

1-Viruses and malware can cause such errors. Do a full scan of the computer using antivirus and retry playing the game.
2-You can also do the scan from Command Prompt to fix the corrupted files. Open this window and type ‘sfc/scannow’. Press the ‘Enter’ key to start scanning the files.
3-Updating the system drivers is another option.
4-Upgrade your Windows.
5.Uninstall the problematic game and then reinstall it.