How To Use The Diskpart Clean Function To Securely Wipe Disks. Here, you will get to know how to clear a disk completely. You can do this by using the Diskpart clean function. It is a text-mode command line interpreter that comes with Windows 10. You can manage disks, volumes, or partitions by direct input or by running scripts at the Command Prompt. It will securely clean your disks so that they can’t be recovered. Here, I have discussed how you can use the Diskpart clean command.
How To Use The Diskpart Clean Function:
To use the clean function of Diskpart, follow the steps:
1.Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run utility.
2.Type cmd and press the Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys.
3.It will open an elevated Command Prompt.
4.Enter the command diskpart and press Enter.
5.This will open Diskpart.
6.Now, type ‘list disk‘ in the Command Prompt and press Enter.
7.All the disks will appear on the command prompt.
8.Remember the disk name you want to clean, like Disk 0 or Disk 1.
9.Type select Disk 0 where 0 is the number of the disk you want to delete.
10.Press Enter. Example: select Disk 1.
11.Now, type clean and press Enter.
12.All the data will get erased.
This will wipe the disk completely, but the data can be recovered by using special tools and apps. This simple clean function can only be use if there is not any special data in the disk.
To clean the data securely using Diskpart, follow the steps:
1.Open the elevated Command Prompt again.
2.Type list disk command to list all the disks like before.
3.Press Enter.
4.Next, type select disk 0 again. The 0 is the disk you want to delete.
5.Then, type clean all and press Enter.
6.It will take some time to erase the data from the disk.
7.All the sectors on the disk will get filled with 0s.
8.It means all the information is erased by the clean all command and it can’t be recovered.
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