How To Fix Microsoft Windows Event ID 10010 Error Code

By Ammarrauf01

How To Fix Microsoft Windows Event ID 10010 Error Code. In this article, you will read how to get rid of the Event ID 10010 error. This error occurs in the Windows event logs. This error tells that the server could not register with the DCOM or Distributed Component Object model. DCOM helps to build communication between the Windows software components.

How To Fix Microsoft Windows Event ID 10010 Error Code?

Method 1 – Give Registry Permissions:

Allow administrative access in the Windows registry, if getting a Microsoft Windows distributedCOM 10010 error. Follow the instructions carefully to fix distributedCOM error 10010, while editing the registry, as it can be risky.

1.Type Run in the Windows search box.
2.Click the top option.
3.Enter regedit in the Run command box.
4.Press Enter.

How To Fix Microsoft Windows Event ID 10010 Error Code - pic1

5.Click Yes to open the registry editor.
6.Navigate to the following path:

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7.Right-click on Ole and choose Permissions.

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8.Check that the administrator section has Full Control permissions.
9.If not, allow it.
10.Click the Add button, if the administrator’s group is not enlisted there.

How To Fix Microsoft Windows Event ID 10010 Error Code - pic4

11.Then type Administrators in the Enter the object names to select the section.
13.Click on OK.

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14.Next, check the box for full control.
15.Click Apply to save the changes.
16.Exit the Registry window and restart your PC.
17.Check if the error is fixed or not.

Method 2 – Use The Components Services:

If proper permission is not allowed in the Component services, you can get an Event ID 10010 error. The Component services help you to configure COM or the Component Object Model components and the COM + applications. The COM system creates software components and links them together. To fix this issue:

1.Open Run utility.
2.Type dcomcnfg.
3.Click on OK.

How To Fix Microsoft Windows Event ID 10010 Error Code - pic6

4.When the Component Services window opens, double-click on the Computers folder.
5.Right-click on My Computer and expand its properties.

How To Fix Microsoft Windows Event ID 10010 Error Code - pic7

6.Click on the COM Security tab.
7.Click on the access permissions section.

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8.Click on the Edit Default option.

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9.In the next window, apply proper permission to objects under the Group or usernames section.
10.At the end, click on OK.
11.Close the window and check if this could fix the error.

Method 3 – Check If Function Discovery Resource Publication Properties Services Is Running:

The Function Discovery Resource Publication Properties Services publishes the computer and its associated resources.

You can get an event ID 10010 error, if this service gets stopped. To check if Function Discovery Resource Publication Properties Services is running:

1.Open the Run utility.
2.Type services.msc in the Run command box.
3.Press Enter.

How To Fix Microsoft Windows Event ID 10010 Error Code - pic10

4.Scroll down to find the Function Discovery Resource Publication service from the list of services.
5.Double-click on the service.
6.Check the Startup type to Manual.
7.Click on Apply to save the changes.

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Method 4 – Disable Some Unnecessary Services:

Various Windows Services can conflict with the DCOM. Disable some unnecessary Windows services to fix this error.

1.Open the Services window from the previous method.
2.Scroll down the services.
3.Find Shell Hardware Detention service.
4.Right-click on it and open its properties.
5.Click on the Startup type and select the Disabled option.

6.Save the changes by clicking on the Apply button.

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