How To Organize Files In Google Drive

By Ammarrauf01

How To Organize Files In Google Drive. In this article, you will read method to organize files in Google Drive. Google Drive is the most used and popular cloud storage. Many people use cloud storage and online sharing frequently these days. It is very easy to access and use. Organizing the files in Google Drive can be difficult.

Create various separate folders for specific files and documents of every project. With this method, all the files and folders will be easily accessible to you.

How To Organize Files In Google Drive?

If you did not make the folders for the files and documents, then follow the below method to do so. By using this method, you can also organize Google sheets. To create a folder in Google Drive:

1.Open ‘Google Drive’.
2.Click on ‘NEW’ at the left-hand side top corner.

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3.Choose ‘Folder’ option.

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4.Type the name of the folder you want to create.
5.Click on ‘Create’

Now, repeat the same above step to make various folders to categorize your files and documents. Drag and drop the files and documents to their specific folders and organize them as per your choice.